One of the biggest technology deals in history at over $60 billion is about to unfold as Dell prepares to buy EMC. At EMC World in May 2016, Michael Dell made this acquisition more real than ever when he announced the new entity’s name, Dell Technologies, which will be an umbrella brand for the collection of companies that will include enterprise and client solutions and services, and other strategic assets including VMware, Pivotal, RSA, Virtustream, and SecureWorks. With just a few major milestones to go, it appears that all is on track for the companies to merge the enterprise organizations as Dell around mid-year.
You can download the paper here.
(Photo Credit: Patrick Moorhead)

Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Helping Customers on their Journey to Cloud
- Solid Foundation & Portfolio
- Potential Impact of the Merger on the Competitive Landscape
- Call to Action
- Figure 1: Infrastructure Portfolio for the Future Dell EMC & Dell Client Solutions Businesses
Companies Cited
- Amazon
- Chef
- Cisco
- Dell
- HP, Inc.
- Microsoft
- NTT Data
- Pivotal
- Puppet
- RedHat
- SecureWorks
- Virtustream
- VMware
- Gina Longoria
- Gina Longoria